How To Buy $BCT - Dare To Defi

Carbon just became an investable asset, which is a huge deal because it literally let’s us solve climate change from our couches. As the price of Carbon goes up, climate change goes down. That’s how incentives work. [→]

Who’s Going to Save the World Tonight — Market’s Edition

When we talk about climate change, we’re really talking about Carbon. We can’t save every river in Zimbabwe from its local sewage leak, but we can stop the polar caps from melting, seas from rising, and trees from burning. [→]

The Restructuring of the American Economy

The American economy is going to change more over the next five years than it has over the last fifty years. As with any drastic change, there will be big winners and big losers—that’s what a restructuring looks like. [→]

Yearn Finance, the King Yield Optmizer

To say that the growth of DeFi in the last year is anything short of exponentialwould be an understatement. Today, we do the basic but necessary data breakdown of Yearn’s growth in the last year. [→]

ETH, the World's Most Valuable Asset

Competition paints the world around us, at every level, from who can get to Mars first to who sold the most dental insurance last month. Ironically, the best way to win in a hyper-competitive world is to own a monopoly, to avoid any competition at all. [→]

When Digital Turns Physical

Ethereum ends the oligopolized banking industry, just as the internet ended the oligopolized journalism industry. Banks on Ethereum have one product to sell: yield [1], so we occasionally refer to Ethereum banks as yield-optimizers. [→]

MEV Trilemma

Historically, miners of public blockchains have generated revenue through a combination of inflation and transaction fees. [→]

Public Blockchains, What’s the Big Deal?

Public blockchains will be as important to the world as the internet. The internet allowed for the frictionless flow of information. Public blockchains allow for the frictionless flow of value. [→]

Automated Market Makers and Public Blockchains

Today, a currency must assume three roles to achieve widespread adoption: a store of value [1], a medium of exchange [2], and a unit of account [3]. Store of value tends to separate itself entirely from the other two characteristics. [→]

The Macroeconomy, Where we are and Where We’re Going

In the past ten years, a decade primarily of open, globalized trade, Europe, China, and emerging countries combined to double their outstanding dollar debt from $30trn to $60trn [1] (Total outstanding global debt is approaching $260trn, for reference.). [→]

Neo-Commodities: The Base Layer of the Web 3.0 Stack

While Ether is very likely to become the biggest winner in crypto, usurping gold in the process, its competing blockchain-based commodities will assume roles as digital silver, digital bronze, etc.. [→]

Ethereum: 1000x From Here

Some people claim that gold has accrued value due its usefulness via jewelry and smartphone manufacturing. However, jewelry is inherently un-useful and the amount of gold used in smartphone production is negligible: [→]

The Future of Fintech

Consumer and enterprise financial applications will become the first mainstream products built on public blockchain infrastructure. Current financial infrastructure is decades old but has been immune to disruption due to expansive regulatory and network moats. [→]

China, Crypto, and the Decline of the US Dollar

You may or may not have heard President Xi Jinping’s recent speech on blockchain technology. Here’s a highlight if you haven’t: [→]

Will Lightning Work

Bitcoin is a 100 billion dollar network banking on a relatively under-capitalized company to achieve scalability, and the stakes couldn’t be higher. [→] The Middleground to Data Silo Liberation

Much has been made in the crypto world about replacing the data silos of the world, the big bad Facebooks and Linkedins that connected us and then got us hooked and now make $$$ by extracting from us. [→]

POLY (Polymath): The Bear Case

Polymath seeks to create a new token standard, called ST20, that allows for the tokenization of securities. Throughout the article, ST20 tokens will also be referred to as security tokens. [→]

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